
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 23° Virgo (March 14)

5.53 PM AEDT - This is a Dark Full Moon

This week’s cosmic energy is no joke. We’re heading into a powerful lunar eclipse on March 14, and it’s not just any full moon—it’s a dark full moon, an eclipse that won’t shine in the night sky. This alone tells us something: illumination is taking place, but not in the way we expect. Things won’t be made clear in the usual manner. Instead, we’re facing a moment of reckoning, where illusions dissolve and what’s hidden beneath the surface is revealed.

Significant Cosmic Alignments at Play

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 23° Virgo (March 14)

Sun at 23° Pisces, conjunct Saturn at 22° Pisces (opposite the full moon)

Neptune at 29° Pisces—a critical, karmic degree

Venus Retrograde at 7° Aries

Mercury Retrograde begins March 15 at 9° Aries

North Node at 27° Pisces

This isn’t a simple lunation. The Sun, Moon, Saturn, Neptune, and Mercury are all weaving together a complex, energetic narrative. Virgo (the full Moon) is ruled by Mercury, which turns retrograde the day after the eclipse—meaning clarity is not easily found. Neptune, ruler of Pisces, sits at 29°, the very last degree of the zodiac, a degree of dissolution and endings. This is where grand illusions begin to unravel. And with Jupiter also playing a role as the evolutionary ruler of Pisces and Gemini, the messages coming through are loud, exaggerated, and hard to trust.

A World Dissolving in Front of Us

We will feel like reality is slipping through our fingers. This eclipse is forcing us to see what has been disguised—whether it’s the false promises of leaders, the hollow words of influencers, or the grand illusions of our own beliefs. It’s a test of discernment at a time when deception is at an all-time high.

• Expect big claims and grandiose ideas, but don’t buy into the hype. Words will be retracted as quickly as they’re spoken.

People will sell illusions with silver tongues, spinning pictures of a better future, but these are mirages.

We are being fed narratives designed to keep us pacified, entertained, or fearful while the real power games unfold behind closed doors.

Toxic Positivity & the Hollow Facade

This eclipse calls out the performative—the ones who wear the right clothes, speak the right words, and pretend to care while living entirely for their own profit and image. We see it in:

• The environmentalists who care more about power than the planet.

• The spiritual teachers who sell enlightenment like a luxury product.

• The influencers who manufacture aesthetic activism without depth or sincerity.

• The corporations, celebrities, and politicians who pretend to be “for the people” while tightening the noose of control.

This is a world drowning in hollow imagery—where people worship the outside appearance while being spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually bankrupt inside.

Neptune at 29° Pisces: The Great Unveiling

Neptune at 29° Pisces doesn’t just dissolve lies—it reveals them. The pretty masks fall away, exposing the rotting core beneath. This energy is uncomfortable because it forces us to confront the deepest illusions we have bought into, personally and collectively.

• Are we willing to see reality for what it is?

• Or do we cling to illusions because they are easier?

There is no neutral ground anymore. To stand in truth means facing rejection, being called out, being seen as “difficult” or “negative.” But what’s the alternative? To stay in the inside circles of power that are corroded with deceit?

This eclipse isn’t just about seeing who is lying to us—it’s about seeing where we have lied to ourselves.

Mercury Retrograde + Eclipse: Nothing Is As It Seems

With Mercury (ruler of the eclipse) turning retrograde the day after, everything spoken this week must be taken with extreme discernment. Mercury retrograde will ensure that:

Statements will be reversed

Contracts and agreements will be broken

Announcements and declarations will be retracted

People will regret their words

We cannot trust what is being promised. What sounds good today may not hold true tomorrowWait, observe, and listen between the lines. The people who seem the most confident right now may be the most deluded.

The Fire of Aries Will Burn Through the Lies

While this eclipse exposes illusions, the upcoming solar eclipse in Aries will burn them down. The fire is coming, and this is just the warning shot.

• The hollow idols will fall.

• The toxic narratives will collapse.

• The people who built their world on deception will face their reckoning.

This is only the beginning. Those who have built their thrones on falsehoods will not withstand what’s coming.

What To Do This Week

Trust nothing at face value—see beyond the surface.

Watch what is not said as much as what is.

Notice where illusions are unravelling in your own life.

Stay grounded—don’t let the emotional overwhelm pull you under.

Prepare for radical shifts in perspective—what you thought was real may no longer be.

Expect truth bombs—and be ready to accept them.

Avoid impulsive decisions—primarily financial, legal, or relational.

Do not engage in drama or manipulation—the deceivers will reveal themselves.

The tides are shifting, the veils are lifting, and the false lights are being exposed.

This eclipse is not just another cosmic event—it’s a turning point.

The world will try to distract you with flashy illusions, shiny promises, and dramatic headlines. But truth is found in silence, in presence, in deep knowing. Those who chase the superficial will be lost in the storm.

Those who see through the illusion will know precisely where they stand.

The choice is yours.

March 9-16, 2025: Eyes on the Stars – A Lunar Eclipse That Unveils Everything

Lunar Eclipse Details – March 14, 2025

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 23° Virgo 5.53 pm AEDT (March 14, 2025)

• Penumbral Eclipse: The Moon will darken slightly but not be entirely obscured. Symbolically, this eclipse represents hidden truths that surface subtly rather than immediately.

Ruler of the Eclipse: Mercury, as Virgo’s planetary ruler.

Mercury slows down to turn retrograde on March 15 at 9° Aries, just one day after the eclipse.

• Mercury retrograde will distort communication, perception, and information flow, leading to reversals, misinformation, and confusion.

• Expect sudden shifts in narratives, unexpected revelations, and contradictions that expose falsehoods.

Key Planetary Alignments

1. Sun at 23° Pisces conjunct Saturn at 22° Pisces

• This adds gravity and reality-check energy to the eclipse.

• Saturn in Pisces dismantles illusions and forces accountability for lies, deception, and false appearances.

• This eclipse forces us to confront the hidden decay within power structures, belief systems, and social facades.

2. Neptune at 29° Pisces – The Great Dissolution

This is the most critical planetary placement of this eclipse.

• Neptune at 29° is at Pisces' final analytic degree, signalling the collapse of long-standing illusions, spiritual deceptions, and mass conditioning.

Neptune will soon enter Aries, initiating a brand-new era of personal sovereignty and raw truth.

Expect mass disillusionment—things once believed to be “real” may be revealed as fabrications.

3. North Node at 27° Pisces & South Node at 27° Virgo

• The North Node in Pisces guides us toward spiritual awakening and warns of manipulation through illusion.

• The South Node in Virgo suggests we must break free from overly rigid logic, perfectionism, and blind adherence to systems that no longer serve us.

• This nodal positioning aligns perfectly with the eclipse’s theme of confronting false ideals and seeking deeper truths.

4. Venus Retrograde at 7° Aries – Re-evaluating Worth, Relationships & Money

Venus retrograde in Aries intensifies the eclipse themes of identity, self-worth, and value systems.

• Aries is about individual power, courage, and authenticity, but Venus retrograde asks:

Are we chasing validation over genuine connection?

Are our relationships built on authenticity or image?

Are financial and social structures serving actual value or only superficial status?

Many relationships, financial agreements, and public personas will be exposed as hollow.

5. Mercury Retrograde in Aries (March 15, 2025)

Mercury rules Virgo, making this retrograde directly linked to the eclipse.

Nothing spoken, promised, or announced during this time can be taken at face value.

• Expect delayed truths, narrative reversals, and public figures walking back statements.

Contracts, agreements, and news stories will change dramatically in the weeks following this eclipse.

Astrological Themes & Energies

The Collapse of Illusions – Neptune at 29° Pisces + Saturn in Pisces exposes false narratives.

Mistrust in Words & Media—Mercury retrograde makes announcements and narratives unreliable.

Reckoning with False Appearances and Spiritual Bypassing: Venus retrograde in Aries and Neptune in Pisces call out performative spirituality, fake activism, and status-chasing.

A Shift in Collective Consciousness – The North Node in Pisces encourages a deeper awakening, but only if we see through the deception.

Reality Checks & AccountabilitySaturn in Pisces ensures that uncomfortable truths come to light.

What This Means for You

Be discerning with information. Everything is subject to revision.

Watch what is not said as much as what is.

Reassess your relationships, values, and financial priorities.

Prepare for unexpected reversals in media, politics, and finance.

Expect emotional intensity—profound truths surfacing within yourself and the collective.

This eclipse is a turning point that demands we see beyond illusion and choose truth over comfortable lies.

For readings or consultations, head to my website and email me directly.


Astrologer - Author - Alchemist


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